Real Emails from Peak Height Users

This is a great product I ate a lot of sugar and lots of caffeine and nicotine when I was a teenager now I am 20 there is probably no doubt my growth is stunted I was 5ft when I started taking this now I am 5ft 9in. And I have only been taking this product for not that long I think it is great. My throat was really scratchy and irritated I think this product cleared that up to its great.
My son is 13 and has been averaging only about 2 inches of growth a year. It has been 4 months since taking Peak Height and he has already grown 1 1/2 inches. Very pleased!!!
Let's start off by saying, thank you! These pills have given my 13yo son the confidence that he needed. He has absolutely no problem taking his three pills everyday with his dinner. He plays baseball and basketball and is always on the go. We bought these pills in january 2015. He has grown about 1inch in these
past few months which has helped boost
his self esteem. This is a great product worth trying.
My son started using Peak Height at the age of 11 yrs. He usually grew around 1.5 - 2 inches a year. This past year age 12 to 13 he grew 4 inches his muscle tone is amazing and he is stronger and faster than ever. Peak height was recommended by some close friends that were concerned about their son's height. We all come from short people on both sides of the family and wanted to give our son every advantage to reach his maximum height. I am a true believer in your product and have recommended it to countless people.
Peak Height has worked great for me! I have grown an inch in the last 4 months!
This product work's great my son absolutely love's it and has made adequate a difference for him.
My 15 year old son has only been using Peak Height for 4 months and has noticed a height gain of one half inch so far. He has also stated that he feels healthier and has more energy since beginning the Peak Height pills. We will continue to use the product and are looking forward to maximizing his growth potential!
I love the product! Great results!
My son is just turned 13 yrs. old and he just finished a three month supply of peak height. This boy has grown 3 inches in a short period of time and has not started puberty as of yet. Thanks peak height, this stuff works.
My wife and I are both 5′ 4″ in height. I wanted our son Andrew to grow taller than we were if possible. I have consistently monitored his monthly progress since his 11th birthday in January of 08′. After starting Peak Height he has doubled his average growth rate! Thanks for such a wonderful product.
Peak Height has helped my son not only get about 2 1/4 inches taller, but has allowed his bones to get stronger which has kept him from getting 2 severe injuries. One to his ankle and the other to the outside part his foot both occurred during football. Everyone on the field heard a pop but xray was clear. The doctor ask him if he took vitamins and my son told him yes. The doctor said, “that’s what kept his foot from breaking”
I am 18 years old & I’ve been taking Peak Height for 4 months now and I grew about 2 inches and I feel a lot more confident. I hope I grow more. Thank you and may God bless you all!.
This product really works. it’s not a scam at all. I had doubts in the beginning about the product because I was new at it, but when I tried it, I always have to re-order. Ever since I’ve been on it, I’ve grown a few inches and I am over 21! It really all depends if your body is still meant to develop or not.
I am 18 and used peak height for 7 months. During the span of that time I grew 2 inches. I was 5’1 now I’m 5’3.5. Almost 5’4! I found that the best results are yielded when you combine peak height with exercise, plenty of water and most importantly a stretching routine. I’m definitely looking forward to ordering more.
I have just ordered peakheight. It’s on its way. Before i bought this product, i sent emails inquiring about the effectiveness and i got prompt response. I am so excited to start taking these. I hope it will really work for me.
My name is Brooke I ordered peak height to help me achieve my maximum height goals.I have not seen any results yet as I have only been taking the pills for a week,I just wanted to acknowledge the great customer service and fast shipping provided by peak height! I will be back with a review on the actual product but the customer service is 10/10 great job peak keep it up!
I would just like to let you know that I was a little hesitant a first to try anything to help me grow taller because I am 31 years old. I decided to take a big risk and purchased your product. I have been using your product for almost four months now and I have seen two inches in height already. I could already tell when I was standing next to people at work or family members I see all the time. To be exact it was 2 and 1/4 inches. I just want to thank you for the help of your product. I am still taking peakheight and look forward to the maximum results. Thank you peakheight.
My son has been taking them now for 5 months and I had him measured and he has grown 5 cm. I am really happy, he had gone from being the shortest to the same height or a tiny bit taller than 5 or 6 of his friends. I have just ordered another 6 months and are going to put my younger son it on too. They eat well but not enough fruit and vegetables. I think Peak Height is making up for this. Thank you so much it is such a relief.
I have been using peak height for my son for past 9 months. He is 15 years old and doctors said he reached his max height which was 5 ft 1 inch. We decided to try peak height and he has already gained 4 inches in 9 months. We absolutely recommend this miracle product.
Peak Height is awesome! I’ve grown 2 inches using Peak Height for 3 months!
Hi I have been using it for 5 months now and i grow 1.6 inches tall and I’m 16. This is pretty cool.
I been using peak height for about 3 months i have grown 1 inch . I truly can say I be ordering more.
When I was 17 my doctor told me that I was done growing. Im 18 right now and have grown an inch while taking peak height for 3 months. This product really works. Definitely recommend it to others.
So far it has been really good I’ve grown about an inch and a half. This product has really helped a lot.
Peak Height is truly changing my life. I have always had the dream to be a fashion model, but my parents are short so I was worried that I wouldn’t have the height to do it. I went from being an average height of 5’9 to 6’0 in 6 months! I would recommend this to anyone who wants their height dreams to come true. I will continue taking peak height until i reach my goal height of 6’2. Thanks Peak Height!
i have been using your product for 6 months now and it did the job for me, i have grown 2 inches and still growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was 16 when i started taking peak height and i grew 1 inch with taking these, they work well, and they really help you get taller and I think helps with giving you good skin as well. The price is very expensive, yet the stuff works pretty nice.
Wow is a miracle. I’ve been taking a Peak height for 2 month and I see it work . I went from 4’9″ to 5’2″. Thanks Peak Height.
Hello my name is Sophie and I am very grateful to write you guys a testimonial today :-) I used to be the tallest girl since I was in kindergarten. In high school I noticed I did not grow at all from 14 to 16 years old. I became very worried if I might have stopped growing (I was 164cm). I start to google everything about puberty and bones growing subjects on the internet and I can say, The desire of growing taller became my dream lol. Later I found peak height on the internet and saw lots of good reviews about it so I decided to give it a shot. No significant result for the first two months but I felt my bones were healthier and stronger. After an other two months of summer vacation I measured myself one day, and my surprise I went from 164 cm to 167 cm!!!! HOLLY COW I was sooo happy for the whole week and told everyone about it. 3 cm was really something and I only took peak height for 4 months! And the result came quicker than I hoped! I will continue to take this supplement until I reach my ideal height. You will be surprised with the good result too! Give Peak height a shot!
I originally ordered Peak Height, if for no other reason, to boost my 13 year old sons self esteem. He found the product online and wanted it so badly he was offering his own money. Although Kaidon wasnt below average for his age, he was quite a bit shorter than most of the guys in his grade. He loves basketball and is quite good at it. But, unfortunately for him, was cut the last day of tryouts. He was told, “You’re good enough to make the team, you’re just too small.” It was that day that I decided to place an order. It meant giving him some hope, and that was my goal. If he grew, that would be great, but I have to admit, I was skeptical. He and I made an agreement that after each month we would measure, and not a day early. After the first month I was expecting him to be 5′ 2″ which is what he was 4 weeks earlier. When I saw 5′ 3 1/2″, I had to remeasure. I absolutely couldn’t believe it, neither could he….I actually teared up when I saw his reaction. The second month he measured 5′ 5 1/2″! So in 2 months he has grown 3 1/2 inches. He eats right and is extremely active. I truly believe the combination of diet and exercise, along with Peak Height has become a game changer for us, in more ways than one. We are thrilled with the results and for us it had made a real difference, mentally and physically.
With aspiring results in mind i decided to try peak height, 3 pills a day with lunch not so hard right? Well that’s where my experience began…I have to admit there were ups and downs while taking peak height, at first i had my hopes up and expected the best, unfortunately by the first month i didn’t receive the results i wanted, to my dismay i gave it up and didn’t look back.
This is when EVERYTHING CHANGED, in the few weeks that came after that i had grown 2 inches!!! To my surprise peak height was working, it only was an after-effect program (as to say when you finish the program your body self regulates and grows as such) I take peak height a full month then give myself a week to recover and grow and i’ve seen fantastic results, so far i’ve grown about 3 and 1/2 inches and i still haven’t finished month 3!!! I await to see my results at the end of this last month, and for any others interested in this alternative, i implore you to give it a shot, you might not see it the first month, but keep at it and you might be surprised by the results you see
Peak Height has really shown amazing results for my 16 year old son. Not only did his Vitamin D level increase (as shown in blood test report), his height too increased by 1/2 inch in 3 months. I’m very happy with the product and intend continuing for (at least) another year. Kudos to the people behind such an amazing product!
Your product is great. My son who is 15 has grown about 1 and 1/2 inches with this product. This is amazing since he hasn’t grown in a year. He is now 5″6 and with the help of your product he might be able to reach his dream height of 5″9 before he stops growing.
My son Chad has grown 4 inches in the last 11 months since starting on Peak Height. It’s a good product, THANKS
So far so good… my son will be 16 in 2 months and has grown 2 inches and is now just about 6′ feet! tall! I plan on him taking them for the next few years to get the maximum benefit!! Thanks so very much!
My son, age 16, has been using Peak Height for about 4 months. He was about 5’10″ when he started and is now close to 6′ tall. We are pleased with the results and are excited about the potential.
We had ordered Peakheight for our 12 year old son back in June of 2010. Since then he has grown 3-1/2″! We are totally amazed with the product. It is working so well we decided to start our 10 year old son on Peakheight now. Thanks for a great product!!
I have a 17 year old son who is short for his age. He asked me if there are vitamins he could take to make him grow a little taller. So, I searched the internet and found Peak Height. I read the testimonies and thought to give it a try. Honestly, I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a try anyway. I told myself, “hey I will just return it if I don’t see results in a month or two”. Boy, oh boy, my son grew almost an inch in a couple of months. Peak Height really works!
My son has grown about 1.5 inches during the time he has used the product. He recently started on his 4th bottle. Thanks,
I’ve been using peak height for 4 months now and I’m 18 years old, and I have to say its working great. Everyday I use Peak Height it makes me have great energy levels. I haven’t grown too much but I have a feeling that something great is coming. This product is great.
It is a great product and it is really working! My child is almost at an acceptable height and she is really feeling good about her self! i know i want to re-order it again.
Its been about 6 months now and i’ve grown a whole 2 inches! wow it really works!
I started using Peak Height when I was 16 in July 2011 I was 5’4 1/2. When I went to the doctors in October they said I was 5’5 1/2. I’ve grown 1 inch in 4 months. I’m really looking forward to keep using this product. I’m hoping to gain 3-4 inches!
I am simply amazed by this… I literally have no other words to describe these tablets with, other than: INCREDIBLE. Any teen who wants to grow just a few more (1-3) inches taller, this is def. for you! I really thought this whole thing was a scam until I got it, and followed the instructions in the pamphlet that came with it; 3 a day + a lot of exercise, running, swimming, pull-ups, stretches, etc – and I used to be 5″6, now I am currently at 5″8!! I feel like this is a miracle from God! WoW…
Thanks a lot for having Peak Height on this earth. It has changed my life in a good way. I have grown 2 inches taller and I’m gonna continue taking Peak Height till I stop growing tall. Thanks again.
“I have grown 8 1/2 inches in 2 years. Thanks for making a height supplement that really works!”
My 15 year old son has grown a full 1 inch in just 2 1/2 months! This product is amazing. And we are eager to start ordering more.
My daughter is a soccer goalie, and so getting taller will give her the competitive edge…she started taking the peak height last year (age 12) and has grown 2 ½ inches in 6 months. We think it is due to the product since her sister never had such a growth spurt. Plus the vitamin supplement is a plus!
Just wanted to tell you how pleased we are with the results we’ve gotten. My son, now age 17, started on Peak Height Maximizer a little over a year ago at 5′ 9″. He’s now almost 6″ 1″ – as he would say “BEAST”!!!
I grew an inch after taking Peak Height for 3 months…Thank You.
I am a 17 year old male and Peak Height has really done what it said it would do. It has not only given me height, but it gave me more confidence, happiness, and I feel great EVERYDAY! I have only been taking Peak Height for 3 months, I was 5’5″ when I started now I am 5’7″. This product is a miracle in a bottle. Thank you for this life changing product.
Thank you for such a great product. I originally had bought Peak Height for my niece who just turned thirteen but after seeing how only after a month she had grown 1/2 an inch my other sister purchased your product for her teen daughter.
My nephew has grown 2″ in 9 months since I bought your product, which is amazing. He is 13 yrs. old, his little sister is taking it now.
I bought this for my 15 and 17 year old sons to try. My 15 year old has already gained 2 inches since September 2010 while the 17 year old has gained almost 3 since he has been on it about 6 months longer. There is nothing harmful in the ingredients so I am comfortable with them taking the supplements like they would any vitamin. In fact it used to be hard to get them to take regular vitamins but now because they are seeing the results, they both take 3 tablets each every night without me having to remind them. They both say they feel better and have lots more energy. Thank you for such a great product.
At 20 years old, I had many doubts about being able to grow taller. However, after reading all of the positive reviews I decided to give your product a try. I’ve been using Peak Height for 4 months now, and I’ve already grown over 1 full inch!! Peak Height is simply amazing, and I’m definitely looking forward to these next few months of using it!
At first I was skeptical about your product, but my son convinced me to get it for him. He has grown two inches in 5 months! Awesome product
My son, Ben, is 12 years old. He has been taking it about 2 months and has grown about 1/2 inch…from 56 to 56.5 inches. We are keeping our fingers crossed that there is more to come in the next month. Thanks for such a wonderful product.
I have tried several products on the market and none of them seemed to work. As a last attempt to gain a few inches I purchased Peak Height. I have been taking the pills for the past three months and I’ve grown an inch and a half!! This product has worked for me and I plan to use it as long as I can!
Our son was one of the shortest kids in his class at the age of 13 when he started taking Peak Height. 3 months later, he had grown 2-1/2 inches and had caught up with a lot of his classmates! A couple of months into taking Peak Height, friends and family members began commenting on how tall he was getting! We plan on continuing for at least a couple of years.
I am at the end of my puberty (age 22) and I started using Peak Height at the start of June and we are now three months later and I’ve already gained one inch. I was not too sure when I ordered the product but I can tell you that if you follow a good diet, good stretch and trainning program you will see some good results. Enjoy!