Growing Taller Improves Self Esteem and Behavior Problems in Short Children

March 3, 2011

Many short children have behavioral problems related to low self esteem due to their height. Will increasing these children’s height increase their self esteem leading to less social problems in the future?

Many of these problems only show up during their teen years or even during adulthood likely due to social stressors. There are many causes of these problems but social acceptance and poor perception among their peers is a strong cause.

A new medical study took 99 short children, both girls and boys and gave them growth hormone to increase their height. After just three months these children showed marked improvement in depression, poor behavior, and self-esteem.

Growth hormone is expensive and can be dangerous without appropriate medical supervision. For help growing taller use Peak Height the #1 doctor recommended height supplement. Grow taller now to help avoid these social problems in the future!

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*Chaplin et al. “Improvements in Behaviour and Self-Esteem following Growth Hormone Treatment in Short Prepubertal Children” Hormone Research in Pediatrics, February 5th 2011.

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